Pointer Information & Characteristics

Pointer dogs are known for their power, speed, agility, and endurance. These dogs love outdoor activities and are more commonly referred to as “bird dogs” or “gun dogs”. This is because they were bred as hunting dogs that would retrieve hunted birds and other animals. 

Pointer dogs are perfect for those who are looking for a furry companion that would love to explore the great outdoors with them. If you are looking for a pet or a companion that could be a part of your adventures, a Pointer dog is the ideal choice for you. As a family dog, Pointers love all kinds of physical activity with their loved ones. If you are planning to bring a Pointer dog home, make sure that you are ready to burn some serious calories.

Key specifications of the Pointer dog breed

If you are looking to bring a Pointer dog home, here are some things that you must keep in mind:

 Weight 20 to 34 kg 
 Height  23 to 28 inches 
 Lifespan 12 to 17 years 
 Coat  Single coat 

Physical appearance of Pointer dogs

The Pointer dog breed is known for its power and stature. These dogs were built to be furry high-performance athletes! One of the most prominent physical Pointer characteristics is their coat. These dogs have short and glossy coats that require minimal maintenance. Here are some common coat colors found in Pointer dogs:

  • Brown 
  • Black 
  • Black and white
  • Lemon
  • Lemon and white 
  • Orange 
  • Orange and white 
  • Liver 
  • Liver and white

Want to be sure that you adopt a purebred a Pointer dog? Look for these physical traits while bring this fur baby home:

  • Long neck 
  • Straight forelegs 
  • Deep chest 
  • Sloping shoulders
  • Long thighs and muscular hindquarters

Pointer personality traits

A Pointer’s temperament is inquisitive. They have been bred through decades to follow their nose, making them very curious dogs. If they pick up a scent, following it comes naturally to them. For this reason, caregivers can fence their backyards and lawns to keep their Pointer pet from wandering off and becoming lost. Pointer dogs love an adventure and are backed with exceptional energy levels. These dogs will accompany you for almost any physical activity.

Pointer dogs may come off as an intimidating breed because of their appearance, especially to who those who fear dogs, but that is not the case. Contrary to their rough yet sharp-looking exterior, these dogs are very calm. The Pointer is not fearful in nature and does not get anxious easily. For this reason, they do not suddenly bite or go rampant with their barking. In fact, they get along well with almost anyone with proper training and socializing.

Pointer dogs can play with your kids and protect them while doing so. These dogs can also live with cats which is surprising, keeping their high prey drive in mind. With good training and socializing sessions, these dogs can be taught to respect other pets and beings, which goes to show that a Pointer’s temperament is one of the biggest pros of their personality.

Do Pointer dogs need training?

Pointer dogs are a curious breed. They were bred to hunt! Once they pick up a scent, there’s no backing down. If you are bringing the Pointer dog breed home, you need to start training it. Because of its curious nature, it is bound to follow any scent that it picks up. This is the leading reason for pet Pointer dogs wandering off. Caregivers can start training their Pointer puppy at the age of 8 to 10 weeks old. These doggos love an adventure and training is no different for them. 

Communication is key for a Pointer and its pet parents. Starting from puppyhood, their instincts will drive them to hunt different prey. This aspect of their nature can be worked into their training. Sniffing out treats, pointing and retrieving, and many other such tasks can help them use their instincts for training. They love the outside environment, which gives pet parents an advantage in training. So, take them out, use treats, and have a great time with your Pointer buddy!

How to care for a Pointer?

Here’s everything you need to know about caring for the Pointer dog breed:

  • Health issues

Pointers are generally healthy dogs blessed with high energy levels and agility. The average Pointer's lifespan is 12 to 17 years and in their lifetime, these dogs may cross paths with some common health issues. Caregivers must be aware of the Pointer dog breed’s common health issues which include hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, bloating, cataracts, and allergies.

  • Grooming

Lucky for Pointer dog parents, these dogs have fairly moderate grooming needs compared to most other breeds. Pointers are more about the adventure and thrill, which gives them more time to play around rather than being groomed all the time! Pet parents who struggle with bathing dogs in general or find it difficult will hit a jackpot with Pointer dogs.

Pointer dogs need to be bathed only 2 to 3 times a year because of their water-resistant coat. Brushing them once a week with a soft bristle brush is enough since they have really short fur. Cleaning their ears is also important to keep infections at bay and trimming their nails should not be overlooked. Lastly, pet parents must brush their Pointer dog’s teeth at least 2 to 3 times a week to avoid any plaque or tartar buildup!

  • Physical activity

Pointer dogs are best paired with active parents. These dogs have high energy levels and love staying active. Bred to hunt, these dogs have great speed and are at their best with at least two hours of exercise each day. They love swimming, running, and walking, and you can also take them with you on treks, trails, and hikes! If you live in the city, find a way to meet their physical activity requirements and you are good to go!

  • Nutritional requirement

While Pointers do well with high-quality commercial food, they can benefit greatly from a high protein diet since they have such high activity levels. While choosing commercial food, make sure you find something appropriate for your dog’s age. Factor in your Pointer’s size, i.e., your Pointer’s height, weight, and age. The best way to provide it with the best nutrition is to consult a vet. A vet can prescribe appropriate meal plans for your Pointer pet!

A brief history of Pointer dogs

The first Pointer dogs were bred in England, in the year 1650. These dogs hunted hares with Greyhounds. In tandem, this duo served as the ultimate hunting combo. Pointers would pick up the prey’s scent and point at the prey, and the Greyhounds would chase after it. In the 18th Century, shooting and hunting birds was a sport that made rounds in society. Pointer dogs were then trained as bird dogs, taught to fetch birds after they were shot from afar.

FAQs on Pointer dog breed

Pointer dogs do very well with other pets. The Pointer personality is all about staying calm. Of course, training plays a big part in helping Pointers socialize with other pets. Hence, if you start training and socializing your Pointer pet at an early age, they will pretty much get along with all other pets!

Pointers make for excellent family dogs. They love playing around and do extremely well with kids.

Pointer dogs should not be left alone at home for long hours. Keeping their high physical drive in mind, they could get bored. Destructive behavior at home may also be one of the outcomes of leaving them at home for too long.

Pointers are extremely easy to groom. They have water-resistant coats, so bathing them a few times a year is more than enough. They have short fur which makes it easy to regularly brush them. Brushing their teeth and cleaning their ears regularly is highly recommended.

No, Pointer dogs do not bark a lot. As long as they get to exercise and play around, there’s nothing that could put them in a barking loop.

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